I wanted to take a moment and talk about the importance of keeping our closets alive. With alive meaning mixing things up by bringing in new pieces and restyling old and new and simply trying new combinations and new interesting ways of wearing our clothes.
We’re talking a lot about building up a functional Capsule Wardrobe and investing in long life lasting pieces of quality that are a good base for a closet. However, building up a functional, and alive and inspiring wardrobe is not a one time job, it’s an forever ongoing task;)
In order to feel that we love our closet and that it represents and inspire us, we need to keep it alive. With keeping our closet alive I refer to the need of bringing in new pieces that ideally should bring new life to our old pieces and not just be worn in one way.
Having a wardrobe full of fixed outfits like, this blouse goes with this skirt and this top goes with these trousers, is not ideal and that is what I should call a closet that is not alive. In fact, every time we bring a new piece into our closet we should have thought of at least 3 ways of combining it with other items already in our closet. Or, have identified what is missing in order to get more wear out of it.

To be able to build up a wardrobe that works hard it is essential that we know our very own style and that we also let our style develop making sure that it is free and can adapt to us, because we’re not gonna be the same every day or every year, we also constantly change.
In my closet, for example, I have items that I have had for many many years that I may not currently be wearing, but I still love them and therefore I will keep them. If we don't know our style though we are more likely to end up buying random things that are on trend at the moment and asking ourselves later on what on earth we were thinking when buying that. If that is the base of how new items comes into a closet the struggle will be there for sure and the best thing we can do then is making sure we understand how we actually want our clothes to make us look and feel and start being true to that.

What new items should come into our closets then? Well, even though we need to fill current gaps in our closets, we also need to completely fall in love with items and feel like we can’t live without them. It can’t be all head it has to be a lot of heart as well because otherwise there will be only functional items in our closet and no magic.
